Solutions for Every Users
Make Your Body Fit
Genre: Health and Fitness
FitMe is a user-friendly application, designed to be a practical tool to record your daily calorie intake and physical activities. Whether you want to lose, gain, or retain your current weight, IdealMe can help you out. Not only can it record every calorie the user consumes, but it can also be entrusted with keeping a track record of and carrying out analysis on your physical activities, which can then be compared to your calorie intake to see how well you’ve stuck to your diet plan.
Genre: Video, Learning
With Vivideo, a treasure of educational and entertainment videos is in your hands!
This application is a multimedia service for watching technology, sports, educational and entertainment videos, etc.
Videos in the field of software training, photography training, technology, and more are provided in the Vivideo application. Videos which can't be easily found in the form of a collection set.
See Your Future
Genre: Entertainment
Best Fortune Teller is an entertainment application and website for people who believe in horoscopes or who just want to try out their luck! In this application, you can see what the universe has inteded for you in the coming day, week, or month. Even though none of us can indeed change the past nor we can predict the future, but we can use the information here to know where we are headed!
Genre: Entertainment
The NitroFilm service. NitroFilm is a video content portal service, this is a VAS subscription service, there are thousands of videos in different categories like sports, education, cinema, food, tourism, future storyteller. Once the user is registered, the user will have unlimited access to all videos for the duration of the subscription. By subscribing to this service and receiving a free text message sent to your mobile phone containing all service information, you acknowledge and agree that you will be subscribing to the Video Content service.